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Seven Things to Be Inspiring
1. Tell Stories: While storytelling may seem like a fluffy practice, especially in business, studies show that stories create a connection between people like nothing else. They give context, make a point, and allow a listener to view a challenge through the lens of another character, either fiction or factual. Stories also allow us, to experience the emotion that many of us personally ignore in our own situations.
2. Create Stories: Telling a story is powerful. Creating one is more powerful. Inspiring people does things that others will tell stories about. It could be a small thing like offering to lend a hand
or it could be something more profound like taking a risk to help a stranger.
3. Explore New Perspectives: Seek new experiences and view points. Some shake things up with extremes like climbing Mount Everest or compete in a triathlon where others might volunteer for a local hospice. The point is, inspiring people want to see their world for various angles.
4. Give Credit To Others: While success can be inspiring, there’s nothing more inspiring than hearing people talk about all the people in their lives and careers who helped them become who they are today. Whether it’s an actress at the Oscars, an athlete on the podium, or a fellow employee receiving recognition. Seeing someone get emotional because someone recognized their talent, pushed them to try harder, or challenged them to step outside their comfort zone, is inspiring.
5. Stick to values: The right thing to do is not often the easiest. People who define their own set of values, and live by them no matter how much those values might impede their progress or success, are inspiring. Sometimes it’s not easy being who you want to be in this world. But, those who do, are people we should all admire.
6. Overcome: We’re all presented with obstacles. Some of us have more than others. Nevertheless, the size or shape of the obstacle isn’t necessarily what makes a person inspiring. Instead, it’s how we deal with those obstacles. Inspiring people don’t run away when the going gets tough. They ask themselves how they’ll get to the other side. They don’t accept failure. They don’t see fear as a reason to quit. They simply move forward no matter what they face.
7. Listen: On the surface this one might seem odd - Listening can be the doorway to understanding. Listening persuades people. It inspires people. If people around you are important to your team or to a project that you’re trying to achieve, listening to them is the best way of enrolling them and keeping them involved.
Listening will help them feel considered. They’ll feel part of what’s going on. Listening is how we learn from others, and there’s always that degree of humility, which helps us to take on board new ideas, try them on and grow a little bit every single day. There’s a phrase I love: “ferocious curiosity”.
2. Create Stories: Telling a story is powerful. Creating one is more powerful. Inspiring people does things that others will tell stories about. It could be a small thing like offering to lend a hand
or it could be something more profound like taking a risk to help a stranger.
3. Explore New Perspectives: Seek new experiences and view points. Some shake things up with extremes like climbing Mount Everest or compete in a triathlon where others might volunteer for a local hospice. The point is, inspiring people want to see their world for various angles.
4. Give Credit To Others: While success can be inspiring, there’s nothing more inspiring than hearing people talk about all the people in their lives and careers who helped them become who they are today. Whether it’s an actress at the Oscars, an athlete on the podium, or a fellow employee receiving recognition. Seeing someone get emotional because someone recognized their talent, pushed them to try harder, or challenged them to step outside their comfort zone, is inspiring.
5. Stick to values: The right thing to do is not often the easiest. People who define their own set of values, and live by them no matter how much those values might impede their progress or success, are inspiring. Sometimes it’s not easy being who you want to be in this world. But, those who do, are people we should all admire.
6. Overcome: We’re all presented with obstacles. Some of us have more than others. Nevertheless, the size or shape of the obstacle isn’t necessarily what makes a person inspiring. Instead, it’s how we deal with those obstacles. Inspiring people don’t run away when the going gets tough. They ask themselves how they’ll get to the other side. They don’t accept failure. They don’t see fear as a reason to quit. They simply move forward no matter what they face.
7. Listen: On the surface this one might seem odd - Listening can be the doorway to understanding. Listening persuades people. It inspires people. If people around you are important to your team or to a project that you’re trying to achieve, listening to them is the best way of enrolling them and keeping them involved.
Listening will help them feel considered. They’ll feel part of what’s going on. Listening is how we learn from others, and there’s always that degree of humility, which helps us to take on board new ideas, try them on and grow a little bit every single day. There’s a phrase I love: “ferocious curiosity”.
10 different ways anyone can inspire those around them:
- Build up those around you
- Be enthusiastic.
- Have integrity.
- Be empathetic.
- Maintain a positive outlook.
- Practice gratitude.
- Stand your ground.
- Set clear goals and strive to achieve them.
- Have passion.
- Challenge them.